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Lia Leon Margolin

Lia Leon Margolin

Associate Professor
Marymount Manhattan College,


Dr. Lia Margolin has a Ph.D. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Computational Mathematics from Tbilisi State University, Georgia. She has published more than 25 papers in the International Peer-Reviewed Journals and Conference Proceedings. She has been awarded International Science Foundation (ISF) grant for her research accomplishments in Theoretical Nuclear Physics. She serves at the Internaional Research Conference Scientific and Technical Committee as a member of Editorial Review Board on Nuclear and Quantum Engineering. Dr.Margolin is a recepient of several distinguished teaching awards from different institutions. She is currently employed as an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Marymount Manhattan College in New York City, NY. She has ongoing research collaborations with the Institute of Cybernetics and Institute of Physics in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Research Interest

Theoretical Nuclear Physics.