Eija I. Tanskanen,
Aalto University, Finland
Eija Tanskanen completed her PhD in the year 2002 from Helsinki University. She worked as a post-doc at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in 2002-2005 where se studied different magnetospheric modes and the role of magnetotail in the substorm dynamics. She gained a professorship in 2006 from University of Bergen Norway, at the age of 34 years. Currently she is workig in Centre of Excellence ReSoLVE and FIN-EPOS infrastructure at Aalto University in Finland. He has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member Geophysical Research Letters and in Space Weather and Space Climate. She has served as ministerial adviser for Minister of transport and Communication as well as European Space Agency´s SSA program User representative, and principal investigator of the IMAGE magnetometer network.
Abstract : The Sun-Earth magnetic coupling for last 100 years